Power up your law practice with the
Lawbrokr + Lawcus integration

Save time by syncing your leads automatically.

lawbrokr now integrates with lawcus
Link Sharing

One link for all your leads

Lawbrokr provides each firm with a unique link to their landing page that can be placed on a firm’s website and anywhere else that people search for law firms.

Mobile Google my business page with lawbrokr link shown
Pre-Screen Your Leads

Save time qualifying leads

Understand whether a prospective client is the right fit for your firm before you pick up the phone or schedule a consultation.

a lawbrokr lead from a law firm's landing page/workflow shown in the user dashboard

Simple, integrated process

The data collected through Lawbrokr’s workflows will create a new lead in Lawcus, populating all the relevant data your firm needs.

lawbrokr integrates with lawcus

Your time is valuable,
stop giving it away to unqualified leads.

Power up your law practice with the Lawbrokr + Lawcus integration

Save time by syncing your leads automatically.

lawbrokr now integrates with lawcus

Lawbrokr's embedded pre-screening workflows have qualified 1,000s of legal consumers across North America.

Link Sharing

One link for all your leads

Lawbrokr provides each firm with a unique link to their landing page that can be placed on a firm’s website and anywhere else that people search for law firms.

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Mobile Google my business page with lawbrokr link shown
a lawbrokr lead from a law firm's landing page/workflow shown in the user dashboard
Pre-Screen Your Leads

Save time qualifying leads

Understand whether a prospective client is the right fit for your firm before you pick up the phone or schedule a consultation.

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Lawbrokr Integrations

Supercharge time with integrations

Send qualified data to the apps you know and love! No migration needed. Lawbrokr integrates with the tools you already use in your practice.

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